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Pleae give us a call at 831-438-3194. We are happy to help with any questions during business hours, or leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

5470 Scotts Valley Dr
Scotts Valley, CA, 95066
United States


Chicken Breed Information

Chicken breed information

Curious to know more about the chicken breeds we carry? This new page is your source for help when deciding which breeds to buy. Here you will find information on egg colors and average laying rates. In the near future we will be adding additional details about temperament, and pictures to help make a more informed decision.

First time getting chicks? Please read our guide to Raising Healthy Chicks and see our Chick Schedule for the breeds we are expecting soon.


Egg per year: 250
Egg color: Blue/Teal


Eggs per year: 180
Egg color: Dark Brown


(New Hampshire Red, Wyandotte, Cuckoo Malines and Amrock)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 230
Egg Color: Dark Brown

Black Australorp

Eggs per year: 250-300
Egg color: Brown

Blue Andalusian

Eggs per year: 160
Egg color: White


Eggs Per Year: 150-200
Egg Color: Large Brown
Hardy Winter Layer (Oct-May)

California White

(Blue Leghorn Rooster x White Leghorn Hen)
Eggs per year: 300+
Egg color: White

Cinnamon Queen

( RIR Rooster x Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen)
Eggs Per Year: 300+
Egg Color: Brown

Cochin, Giant

Coloring varieties: Asst Colors
Eggs per year: 100
Egg color: Brown

Cream Legbar

(Barred Rock x Leghorn x Araucana)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 180
Egg color: Green/Blue

Cuckoo Maran

Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 180
Egg color: Dark Brown


Eggs per year: 200
Egg color: Brown


Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 230
Egg Color: Brown

Easter Egger

(Ameraucana x Araucana)
Eggs per year: 200+
Egg color: Blue, Teal, Green and Sometimes Pink

Golden Comet

(New Hampshire Red x White Rock or Rhode Island White)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 320+
Egg color: Brown

Jersey Giant

Coloring varieties: Black, Blue
Eggs per year: 260
Egg color: Brown


Coloring varieties: White, Danish Brown
Eggs per year: 320+
Egg color: White


Coloring varieties: Cuckoo, Black Copper, Blue Copper, Blue Cuckoo
Eggs per year: 180
Egg color: Dark Brown

Midnight Majesty Maran

Eggs per year: 250
Egg Color: Dark Brown

Mottled Java

Eggs per year: 150
Egg color: Brown

Heritage Breed

New Hampshire Red

Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 280+
Egg color: Brown

Olive Egger

(Ameraucana x Welsummer, Maran, or Barnevelder)
Eggs per year: 200+
Egg color: Olive Green


Coloring varieties: Buff, Lavender
Eggs per year: 160
Egg color: Brown

Plymouth Rock

Coloring varieties: Barred, Buff, Partridge, White, Blue
Eggs per year: 210
Egg color: Brown

Pictured: Barred Rock

Production Blue

(Rhode Island Red x Blue Australorp)
Eggs per year: 300+
Egg color: Blue

Red Star

(Rhode Island Red Rooster x Delaware Hen)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 320+
Egg color: Brown

Rhode Island Red

Eggs per year: 260+
Egg color: Brown

Sapphire Gem Rock

(Blue Plymouth Rock x Barred Plymouth Rock)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 290
Egg Color: Brown extra large

Sapphire Olive Egger

(Hybrid of Blue and Brown Egg Layers)
Eggs per year: 290+
Egg Color: Vibrant Green Shades

Salmon Favorelle

Salmon Favorelle
Eggs per year: 240+
Egg color: Pinkish

Sex Link, Black

(Rhode Island Red or New Ham. Red Rooster x Barred Rock Hen)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 320+
Egg color: Brown

Sex Link, Gold

(Rhode Island Red Rooster x Rhode Island White Hen)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 320+
Egg color: Brown

Sex Link, Red

(Rhode Island Red Rooster x Delaware Hen)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 320+
Egg color: Brown

Sicilian Buttercup

Eggs per year: 140-180
Egg color: White

Speckled Sussex

Eggs per year: 200
Egg color: Brown

Starlight Green Egger

(Prairie Bluebell Egger (Araucana x leghorn) x Brown Egg Layer)
Eggs Per Year: 250
Egg color: Green

Birds can have many different looks


(Welsummer x Barred Rock)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 200
Egg color: Brown


(Rhode Island Red x Barnevelder x Partridge Leghorn x Cochin x Wyandotte)
Auto Sexed
Eggs per year: 200-280
Egg color: Dark Brown


Coloring varieties: Blue Laced Red, Red Laced Blue, Gold Laced (pictured), Silver Laced
Eggs per year: 210
Egg color: Brown